Author Archives: Robyn McPhail


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The next IRCA quadrennial meeting will be from April 13- 19 in Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America.  Located in America’s heartland on the banks of the Mississippi River, Dubuque has been voted one of America’s best small cities and has won several environmental awards. 

The theme this year is Flourishing:  Land, People and Community. The Bible tells us that God is a God of abundance, yet many of us live in settings/contexts that emphasize scarcity. Can we get beyond the numbers to share the stories of God’s abundance among us?

Highlights of the program include:

              A three day joint conference with the Wartburg Lutheran Seminary’s Center for Theology and Land Rural Ministry Conference. (April 15 -18, 2023.)

              Field trips and excursions options include (subject to confirmation):  a city tour of Dubuque, a narrated Mississippi River Cruise, a visit to New Melleray Abbey (sustainable forestry practices),  and the Four Mounds Conference Center.

              Meeting people from around the world who share a common interest in rural ministry.

              Spending the weekend (April 14 & 15) visiting and worshipping with a regional rural family.

We will be staying at the Best Western Dubuque.  Registration costs are USD1,000 if paid by November 30, 2022 and includes all housing, meals, local transportation and excursions.  The registration site should be open sometime in early September.

I hope you will be able to come.

Rev. Dr. Mark Yackel-Juleen

Open Access Laudato Si’ Integral Theology Collection

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Check out the new website of the Laudato Si’ Research Institute.

To quote the website:

In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis emphasised the importance of a united, global response to the current ecological crisis. Yet dialogue and learning on integral ecology is often hindered by limited access to the academic publications on the subject, which are not affordable for many individuals and institutions in lower-income countries.

Check it out by clicking on this link

World Environment Day

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The Christian Conference of Asia’s General Secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara has issued a statement on behalf of CCA for World Environment Day 5 June 2022. It can be accessed at this link

IRCA2022 Sharing Stories and Prayer Around the World

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Rev Dr Mark Jackel-Juleen introduces the 2022 ZOOM event and invites us all to the planned face t0 face conference in Dubuque, Iowa USA in 2023.

IRCA 2022 Round the World

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Networking for prayer and conversation

with video, worship and presentations

7-8 March 2022 

Because we are unable to meet face to face this year for our regular Quadrennial Conference, the IRCA Leadership decided to set up a 24 hour opportunity to connect and pray together as rural churches around the world. We will be online on ZOOM for the whole 24 hours which means that anywhere in the world you can join at a time that suits you.

The Lutheran Seminary’s Center for Theology and Land in Dubuque, Iowa, USA is hosting its regular annual rural ministry conference and our plan is to link up to their opening sessions. (This Seminary is where IRCA 2022 was originally going to be held, now postponed to 13-20 April 2023.) The Rev Dr Mark Yackel-Juleen, Director for Small Town and Rural Ministry at the Center and Chairperson of IRCA will open the ZOOM session at 1500GMT. Following this will be Bible Study led by Dr Craig Nessan and the Keynote Speaker Rev Melanie Mullen. Heather Major from IRCA’s Leadership Group will lead us in a time of prayer and connecting and then we will head off around the world, an hour at a time, in different countries moving west around the globe.

People from anywhere in the world can join us on ZOOM during the 24 hours: you can come and go as you wish. Click here for the detailed programme and REGISTER to be ready to receive the ZOOM link prior to the start.

Connecting Communities in Prayer

Networking across cultures and borders


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The latest edition of the Australian rural ministry magazine Ruminations is now available. Click here to access from this website. Or go to source where you can also access earlier editions.

The theme for this Spring/Summer 2021 edition is “RENEWING”. In his introduction editor Mark Faulkner says, “Each of our contributors have, completely independently of each other, reminded us that renewing is a particular occurrence that takes place outside of the ordinary. It is in Sabbath. grief, loss, seeking, honesty, separation, and discernment that the seeds of renewing can be planted. Renewing, as our authors tell us, comes with an element of surprise and is a gift to us, even a divine blessing and does not come without work, struggle, effort and yet is a human responsibility.”

Take a read and be inspired. However different your context may be, there will be something that connects for sure. For that is the nature of the gospel.

Gleanings of a Prairie Pastor

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Joyce Sasse has penned this collection of rural community memories and writings which is available to download as an e-book. It contains the fruits of her many years as a rural minister with the United Church of Canada, with themes that will relate to many, in terms of the rural context or of being a pastor to people, as they are and where they are.

Click here to access the ebook.

IRCA-Europe Conference 2021

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Postponed from from 2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, IRCA-Europe will gather at the end of May and work together on the theme of “Sourdough for the Land”.

Rural Church representatives are invited to Sibiu/Hermannstadt in Romania from 31 May to 3 June 2021.

In the words of the organisers:

The biblical image of the sourdough bears in this days a stronger importance than ever. In times when we talk about reconstruction and resilience it is important to see what the role of churches in general and the importance of rural communities in particular can be. This will be the theme and main motivation of our conference in Sibiu. As Christians we carry the responsibility not just for our own families, our direct environment and our communities in which we are active, but also far beyond these.

According to that, we want to value the days in Sibiu by informing about the activities of the european rural churches, listen to a presentation about the contribution of churches for a sustainable Europe and also place on our agenda the engagement of the Orthodox Church in Romania upon the preservation of the environment.  At an appointment in Rășinari we will get an inside view in the illegal logging of the forests and the local mayor will speak about the sustainable alpine pasture in this area.

Our programme is embedded in morning and evening prayers, in listening to the word of God and in the praise and gratitude for Him keeping us alive until now. This unifying force of the Christian faith and Christian hope gives us strength not just for our work in the different regions of Europe, but also across all borders.

IRCA-Oceania Questionnaire 2020

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Unable to gather in Queensland, Australia this year because of the pandemic, the Leadership Group of IRCA-Oceania has put together a questionnaire seeking stories and ideas from the people who might have gathered and indeed from all who are the heart and soul of rural churches in the Oceania region.

The theme of the planned conference was “Bringing Hope in Challenging Times”, a theme which became even more relevant when Covid-19 hit. We’d like to be able to share our stories of hope, as well as share the challenges we’re facing and how we have responded and continued to be church for our communities.

If this is your region of the world, you can download the questionnaire here and send it to the email address at the end of the form.

Verse of the day
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

– Psalm 46:1 (NIV)
Voice of the day
What we all need to do is find the wellspring that keeps us going, that gives us the strength and patience to keep up this struggle for a long time. 

– Winona LaDuke
Prayer of the day
Creator God, we are in dire straits. Show us the best path for us to take at this time so our energies and strength will be directed by You. We cannot do this without You. 

– Sojourners Reader

From Verse and Voice,