Laudato Si’ Integral Ecology Collection
Laudato Si’ Research Institute has created a website for OPEN ACCESS to key texts on integral theology.
Check it out by clicking here
The Four Tasks of Christian Ecotheology: revisiting the current debate by Ernst M. Conradie 2020
Ecological Hermeneutics Critical Reflection and Assessment by Kivatsi J. Kavusa, (from Old Testament Essays) 2019
Ecofaith: Reading Scripture in an Era of Ecological Crisis by J.J. Johnson Leese 2019
Water and Livelihood by Robyn McPhail 2021
Repair Our Home and T-shirts, Energy and Courage by Mary Betz (from Tui Motu)
Creation, Ecology and Environment articles by Neil Darragh (from Tui Motu)
Laudato Si’ 2015 Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis on Care for Our Common Home
Reading the Bible with Care for Creation: An Essay by David Rhoads
A Christian Perspective on Sustainability in Rural Areas – 2007
Living on the Land – Ecotheology in Rural New Zealand 2000
Kath Rushton’s Scripture Writings (from Tui Motu)
Reading Scripture with Ecological Eyes by Elaine Wainwright (from Tui Motu)
Robyn McPhail’s Contextual Readings of Texts:
- A Contextual Retelling of Genesis 4
- A Contextual Retelling of the Narrative of the Prophet Joel
- Retelling the Story of Elijah
- Conversations with Texts in Worship
- Let’s Share our Treasure
Life, the Universe and God: Six Big Ideas about Creation by Silvia Purdie
Cain and Abel: an old story raising today’s issues by Robyn McPhail