Author Archives: Jerry Marshall

New Year Message from the Chair

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We have entered a new year and a new decade.  In many ways and in many places, it is a time of fear and travail.  Wildfires rage in Australia and intentional fires ravage the Amazon Rainforest.  Glaciers melt and sea levels are rising globally as the planet warms and people of coastal towns and villages are forced to leave their homes for higher ground.  Climate change is challenging the production of food.  St. Paul’s words to the Romans seem more important than ever,

For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; …that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.  Romans 8:19,21

Conflicts and wars continue to displace people by the millions, many of them rural.  And the people who live on and tend the land of God’s creating continue to seek to provide sustenance, food and fiber, to a rapidly growing population and a dramatically changing world. 

But there is great hope as God leads us into the future.  As God’s people around the world we have just celebrated the birth of Christ and now in Epiphany, we celebrate his revelation.  At this time, we often turn to the words of the Evangelist John,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it…. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:1-5, 9

Where there is light, there is the potential to see.  There is the potential for vision.  The Light that is Christ Jesus makes vision possible.  Where I live 20/20 refers to clear vision.  May the year 2020 be a year of clear vision in the Light of Jesus Christ.  May this year be the beginning of a decade of clearer vision of God’s purpose and mission for God’s people and God’s creation.  For in that Light and that Vision is true hope.

When we gather again as an organization in two years (2022), we will address some of these issues of climate change and people migration.  Please know that the coordinating leaders of IRCA meet regularly and we pray for you and the mission and ministry of Christ’s church in your place.

Blessings Upon You and Your People and Your Land,

Rev. Dr. Mark Yackel-Juleen


Pray for those affected by bush fires in Australia

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A video has been produced and prayers written by IRCA members in the Oceania region. They have been posted on the IRCA Facebook page but copied and pasted here for those not on Facebook. Many thanks to Martin Harrison.

Prayers for the Bush fires
Show Movie reflection
Give a few moments of silence after
Jude and Andy Benton have reflected that “ it is akin to the kaikoura earthquake situation. We have both been under the pump since then, Jude helping arrange the evacuation, find beds etc, and me playing traffic control, and loading supplies. It will be a long recovery. “
In time the smoke will clear and all the losses will be known. The world media will find other stories but for those of us that have journed through these fires will have had our life changed for ever. Help us and those that we live in community with to support and look after each other. May we in time find and see new life.
Help us as the Christian community to hold the Christ light for all through this time.

Hand a bowl of ash around the church and invite people to tak a pinch of it and rub it on their palm or between their fingers. As they do think and pray for the communities affected . Think of the harrowing situation being faced and the long clean up ahead. Everything is black & it gets under your fingernails & into every wee crevice in the skin. In 1 Cor 12:26 St Paul says If one part hurts, every other part is involved in the hurt, and in the healing.(message translation). Our brothers and sisters are hurting pray for them and ask how you can be used by God as part of the healing required.

Hand out a glass of water to everyone and invite everyone to drin ,reflect and pray. As you drink it think of how important it is. Water is a basic necessity of life. It can douse a fire and it can bring to life creation and sustain life. Pray for those effected by the fires. As you drink aask God to quench the thirst of the needy.
End with the Lords prayer

Invite people to write a personal message at the end of the service. Do some research and find a church community within the Bush fire areas and email them photographs of the pages of messages and Let them know you prayed for them.

2018 Conference Feedback

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Thank you, all those who attended the conference in Lincoln New Zealand and who filled in the feedback form. A brief summary of the points made, together with areas for reflection and ideas for topics for future events can be found here: NZ feedback report.

2018 Conference Materials

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Feedback from the 2018 New Zealand conference was very positive: “Amazing experience” “What a gift“. In particular the keynotes and learning community materials were much appreciated: “Fabulous – touched my heart” “Awesome and really helpful” “Extremely valuable” and “Inspiring!

These materials are now online. Click here and scroll to the bottom for keynote transcripts and PowerPoint presentations. A selection of photos can be found here.

Many thanks to our speakers, organisers, photographer and everyone who came and shared so much of their life and ministry. Looking forward to the next one in 2022!

Conference Statement 2018

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It is our tradition to issue a statement after each quadrennial conference. Here is the statement from the New Zealand conference. 

International Rural Churches Association

Voice of the Voiceless



15-21 April 2018


The gifts he gave … to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-12

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa – Greetings to all.

We greet and honour Almighty God who made the heavens and the earth and knitted us together in our mothers’ wombs.  We greet and honour the forebears of the land where we gathered and the forebears of all of our peoples around the world, entrusting them to the love of our saviour Jesus Christ.  We greet all rural churches and followers of Christ from near and far.  Tēnā koutou.

We have this message to share with our Christian family throughout the world, rural communities, and leaders of national and international church organisations.

We are followers of Jesus from all over the world with a call to minister in communities in rural areas. Ninety-four people from India, Sri Lanka, Romania, Switzerland, France,  England, Scotland, Canada, USA, Korea, Fiji, Tahiti, Australia, and New Zealand gathered at Lincoln University–Whare Wānaka o Aoraki to explore the theme Growing Together. For us all, local and visitors, it has been an unforgettable experience, meeting and talking with rural Christians from other parts of the world, truly an opportunity for practical and spiritual enrichment. In worship, music, presentations, workshops, and times of fellowship, we immersed ourselves in the faith that unites us, looking at the contexts we inhabit through the lens of biblical narrative. What is different between us, culturally and denominationally, is not a barrier but rather a source of inspiration and growth. We came together to encourage each other and learn from one another, in our work of serving God and our communities so that they can flourish. Sharing deeply, in a great variety of accents and perspectives, inputs reflected both our diversity and our commonality as rural people.   Our common goal is for our churches and communities to live the vision God dreams for the world.

Part of our purpose is to bring reconciliation in our communities.  In New Zealand this includes reconciliation between first peoples and more recent settlers. It can be a painful process seeking healing for the way colonisation and consumerism have abused soil and rivers and peoples and continue to do so. In other places there is need for reconciliation between communities for different reasons but in each case it involves the privileges of community being exploited by some at the cost of others.  In all of our home places we seek now to graft ancient wisdom onto contemporary knowledge so all peoples and rural communities may flourish as we serve one another and our creator God.

During the week we grew together as a learning community.  We considered what IS, what COULD BE, and what WILL BE in our regions, sharing ideas, experiences, and inspiration that we pray will be transformational for us, our areas and our nations. We were inspired by the strong convictions expressed that God is active in our rural church communities and is leading us into new pathways.

From the conference we bring back these learnings to our churches, communities, and countries:

  1. God is the starting point and goal for all we are and do.  Focussing on our activity to change the world may lead us astray.  We call for more prayer in order to focus on God’s vision and so become the light of the world Jesus commissions us to be.
  2. Rural churches need visionaries who, in partnership with God and others, challenge the status quo and take risks to find innovative ways to communicate God’s love and meet rural challenges in a fast changing world.
  3. Rural churches seek to build up all the people of God to encourage ministry by the whole body of Christ.  We seek support for collaborative ministries and remind those in positions of influence in our churches that the call to ministry belongs to the whole people of God.
  4. True ecumenism means sharing common space without losing one’s own identity.  As the body of Christ the church is always a “uniting” church, building relationships of respect and collaboration.
  5. Our world is bigger than our own backyard. Many regions face challenges that risk lives and we are aware of the impact of climate change, especially on Pacific nations and low lying continental regions, of persecution on minority faiths in many parts of the world, and of consumerism on traditional livelihoods. Awareness calls us to change our behaviours towards the planet, other nations, and others in our own context.

We need/urge our denominational churches to listen to our voices from the rural areas  and positively support our mission and ministry.  We offer to churches the resources gathered within the IRCA network – on-line material, models of ministry, and personnel with expertise and strong ecumenical and international connections.

The Association reaffirms its solidarity with rural communities which are vulnerable to global economic and political influences and to man-made and natural disasters. Rural areas need a voice. We in IRCA will continue to take on this God-honouring role to be intentional voice with the voiceless, and be active in raising the profile within our churches of the challenges of rural ministry.

ON BEHALF OF IRCA                                                                                                       20 April 2018

Jerry Marshall – Chairperson (Ambassador, Germinate, the Arthur Rank Centre, UK, lay person)

Catherine Christie – Past Chairperson (United Church of Canada, clergy)

Eric Skillings – Secretary (United Church of Canada, clergy)

Lothar Schullerus –For IRCA Europe (Protestant Church Switzerland, clergy)

Robyn McPhail – For IRCA Oceania (Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, clergy)

Prasad Rao – For IRCA Asia (Church of South India, bishop Rayalaseema Diocese)

Dave Ruesink – For IRCA America (Presbyterian Church USA, emeritus professor)

Linda Cowan – For the Local Arrangements Committee (Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, lay person)

IRCA Powhiri New Zealand 15 April 2018

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The IRCA 6th quadrennial conference has made a great start today.

We began with the traditional Maori welcome. As leader of the visitors, Jerry gave a speech following a particular sequence of greetings and explanation, backed up by a ‘Waiata’ sung by all the visitors. This was very positively received.

Here is the text, which sets the scene for the event.

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa

We greet and honour Almighty God who made the heavens and the earth and knitted us together in our mothers’ wombs.

We greet and honour the beloved forebears of the people of this place and the many people I stand on behalf of today, entrusting them to the love of our saviour Jesus Christ.

I greet all those gathered here today from near and far.  Tēnā koutou

On behalf of all the visitors we want to thank the people of this beautiful land for the warmth of your welcome and the hard work so many have put in to enable us to be here.

We visitors are followers of Jesus from all over the world with a particular call to serve communities in rural areas. Our growing global fellowship gathers every four years in different parts of the world. We come together to encourage and inspire each other; and to learn from one another; in order to be better equipped to serve our own communities and enable them to flourish.

Part of our purpose is to bring reconciliation in our communities, especially between those who have cared for the land for generations and more recent settlers. We accept that this can be a painful process as we incomers seek forgiveness, for the way we have abused soil and rivers and peoples. We seek now to graft ancient wisdom onto our own knowledge so all peoples and rural communities may flourish as we serve each other and our creator God.

Over this coming week we follow the theme “Growing together”. We aim to further explore reconciliation and collaborative leadership. We will also work together as a learning community to consider what IS, what COULD BE and what WILL BE in our regions, taking away ideas and inspiration that we pray will be transformational for us, our areas and our nations.

So now I greet all the manuhiri, you who have come here from all over the world, investing time, energy and resources. I pray that, as we receive God’s blessing here, we may in turn be a blessing to our hosts and to our communities. For many years our strapline has been to be a voice for the voiceless. That is our calling, but more than this, we are also all called to loose the chains of injustice, to set the oppressed free, and to share our food with the hungry. Then, says God through the prophet Isaiah, our light will break forth like the dawn; our healing will quickly appear; and we will call and the Lord will answer.

Thank you again to the home people who have come to offer a welcome but who will, I pray, leave fed by the spirit of Christ in this place.

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa

 The waiata (all):

Te Aroha, Te Whakapono, Me te rangimarie, tatou taou e (Love, faith, peace, for us all)

May I close by wishing upon you a traditional Gaelic blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields;

and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa

Record numbers at NZ conference

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We will be welcoming 100 delegates to our 6th Quadrennial conference in Lincoln New Zealand 15-21 April, exceeding our highest expectations. The event is now full!

Do pray that the event will be transformational as we learn from and support each other, reflect prayerfully on our ministries, and receive resources we can adapt to our own context.

We hope to be able to record key elements of the conference and make these available. If you do not receive our eNews do sign up now so you can share the conference with us.

May you know the joy and peace of the risen Christ.

Jerry Marshall, Chair