IRCA 2023 Resources

Each day of the 2023 Conference in Dubuque, Iowa, USA began with worship and ended with prayers.

The aim of the conference was to allow plenty of time for participants to get to know one another, and talk together about challenges and achievements, possibilities and plans for the future.

Our purpose is to seek insights into the way God’s people are pursuing God’s will that the creation and people flourish.

Rev Dr Mark Yackel-Juleen



Recorded livestream of welcome and introductions evening of Thursday 13 April, concluding with prayers led by North America

Recorded livestream of morning session on Friday 14 April

Recorded livestream of afternoon session

  • A Taste of Flourishing: Small Group Discussion and Sharing from Participants
  • IRCA: our network, our team and work for the future

Banquet A montage of video pieces will be recorded to give a taste of the evening

Recorded livestream of morning session on Saturday 15 April

The Joint Conference with Wartburg Theological Seminary began on Sunday afternoon 16 April.

Recorded livestreams Part 1 before Gil’s song (disrupted when song By grace was displayed) and Part 2 after (click on each of the links)

Recorded livestream of Bible Study on Monday 17 April

Recorded livestream, beginning with presentation of Indian shawl to Dr Fritschel followed by Dr Waldkoenig’s keynote

Keynote – Rev. Dr. Gil Waldkoenig “Soundscapes” continued

Recorded livestream of morning sessions on Tuesday 18 April

The Joint Conference with Wartburg Theological Seminary Ended

At some point a table tennis table was discovered and there was action:


Recorded livestream through to lunch on Wednesday 19 April

  • Worship

mp3 file

  • Setting our IRCA future: nominations and elections, topics of interest to discuss
  • Note that the Constitution (2010) and Leadership Group are on the website – click About
  • A Taste of Flourishing: Zion Assembly Rev Joshua Amara Rural Evangelism
  • Visioning for the Future
  • Boat Tour on the Mississippi River Recorded video
  • Closing and Celebrations Recorded livestream
  • Sending Prayers—Europe Recorded livestream