IRCA 2022 Pakistan

Presentation and media files

Prayer Time

Media file for page 7

Media file for page 14

Reflecting on this session…

I spoke with Diane [Paterson] this morning and we were both impressed with the Pastor from Pakistan. She glows  with her faith and love. She spoke for an hour sharing many things.

She had slides with heading for her presentation and was extremely well prepared. She is the second female Pastor in Pakistan, and well educated. She works amongst many poor people where women are extremely vulnerable.

To relate to the women she has to be able to speak and act in ways they understand or they will be suspicious of her. The women are frightened to leave their homes as many women are being violated and taken away for forced labour. There are many atrocities being committed, but if anyone tries to send images of it their contact platforms of phone and Internet are being cut. Becoming a Christian can lead to discrimination and rejection by family and communities. Thus when a Christian person from a nonchristian family dies, they are excluded from the family burial crypt. 

She and her Pastor husband have a huge responsibility with few resources. Her husband has a wide area of Pastoral oversight in the region that they live in. I was in information overload, so am sorry not to be able to relate more of her presentation. 

The 24 hour around the world was an awesome experience, so great to see friends from past conferences and to have input from more places. It will take a while for me to process it all.

Blessings Christina [Morunga]